Our nation’s 574 federally recognized tribes span 35 states. In addition, 88 Native Hawaiian organizations are registered with the U.S. Department of the Interior. Many tribes possess significant telecommunications capabilities that are economically and politically important to their people and nearby non-tribal communities. Engaging with these nations and organizations is essential to FirstNet’s success and the welfare of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian (AI/AN/NH) communities.
The PSAC’s Tribal Advocacy Group (TAG), which includes volunteer delegates from associations with diverse geographic and disciplinary interests in tribal public safety, was established to provide advice on Indian Country outreach, education, and inclusive engagement strategies. The intent is to inform and involve federally recognized tribes as it relates to their use of the FirstNet network. The TAG meet monthly via teleconference, and holds several in-person meetings each year.
Tribal Working Group Members

International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) – Tribal Affairs Caucus
Raymond D. Kennedy (Choctaw)