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Emergency Management Take with Bruce Fitzgerald
Planning for major party conventions — or your local festival
Determining your agency’s operational capabilities
Supporting public safety during the eclipse
Virtual EOCs benefit from FirstNet features
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Fire Service Take with Gary McCarraher
Firefighter wearables for cardiac events
FirstNet for wildfires threatening communities
Biometrics and wearables
Improving the connected firefighter’s experience
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9-1-1/Emergency Communications Take with John Hunt
Remote dispatching in the field during storm recovery
Q&A with Steve Devine, APCO Chief Technology Officer
Don’t miss events at APCO 2024
Q&A with FirstNet Authority Board member Renee Gordon
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EMS Take with Jon Olson
Reliable communications for worst-case scenarios
The connected ambulance: FirstNet for Maine EMS
FirstNet supports EMS at music festival
Bridging the gap between FirstNet in the field and the station
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Law Enforcement Take with Harry Markley
FirstNet coverage where law enforcement needs it
The benefits of full 5G
Kentucky Derby, Final Four, and Super Bowl: Pre-planning wins
Who are extended users and how can they access FirstNet?