In Missouri, public safety officials across the state turn to the Missouri Field Operations Guide (MO-FOG) to aid Communications Unit personnel in establishing solutions to support communications during emergency incidents and planned events. The MO-FOG is compiled by Missouri’s Department of Public Safety (MO DPS) and is a statewide reference tool that outlines established and trusted interoperable communications solutions for first responders.
Recently, the MO DPS updated the MO-FOG to include information about emerging FirstNet features and deployable communications support. Available at no cost to FirstNet subscribers, the FirstNet fleet of deployable network assets can be requested to support planned events and emergencies where additional coverage is needed.
Working alongside the Missouri Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee, the MO DPS led a collaborative effort to work with federal, state, and local agencies to gather guidance and input on how best to incorporate broadband use in emergency preparation, response, and recovery efforts.
During coordination and planning to solicit feedback from the field on changes to the MO-FOG, local users requested FirstNet information be added to the state’s Incident Communications Support list. Along with Jim Lundsted, Regional Coordinator for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Emergency Communications Division, and our contractor, AT&T, the FirstNet Authority worked with the Statewide Interoperability Coordinator Bryan Courtney to determine the most needed information for those in the field. Four areas were added: FirstNet deployables, recommended interoperable applications per discipline (emergency communications centers, emergency management, emergency medical services, fire services, and law enforcement), information on uplift portal and incident management, and how to check local system status.
This is another example of the FirstNet Authority working together with the stakeholder community, whose input will continue to drive an enhanced broadband communications experience for public safety. If you have input on how to improve your network, please reach out to a FirstNet public safety advisor in your area. To request access to the updated MO-FOG, please contact