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Chief Peter Burke of the Hyannis Fire Department in Massachusetts stands behind podium giving acceptance speech for the inaugural FirstNet Authority Patriot Award; FirstNet Authority Chief Market Engagement Officer Jeremy Zollo and Executive Director / CEO Joe Wassel look on

FirstNet Authority awards inaugural Patriot Award for pioneering use of FirstNet

By Joe Wassel, Executive Director and CEO, First Responder Network Authority

The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) awarded its first-ever Patriot Award to Chief Peter Burke of the Hyannis Fire Department in Massachusetts. I was proud to present the award at 5x5: The Public Innovation Summit to Chief Burke for his pioneering use of public safety broadband in Hyannis.

The Patriot Award is a new annual award presented by the FirstNet Authority to individual first responders or public safety agencies that use FirstNet to make their communities safer. Recipients of the award are considered from across public safety disciplines – law enforcement, the fire service, EMS, emergency management, and 9-1-1. Our goal with the Patriot Award is to celebrate and recognize trailblazers who save lives and protect communities using public safety broadband.

Chief Burke shared his thoughts on receiving the award. “I am honored to receive the inaugural FirstNet Authority Patriot Award,” he said. “Communications are foundational to our jobs as first responders, and FirstNet is a gamechanger when it comes to public safety communications. I hope my story encourages other fire departments and public safety agencies to explore new ways to enhance their operations.”

Chief Burke began his fire service career as a firefighter in Seekonk, Massachusetts, and was later appointed Deputy Fire Chief of the Barnstable Fire District in 2012. He took on the role of Fire Chief of the Hyannis Fire Department in 2017 and was an early adopter of the FirstNet program in Massachusetts. Chief Burke pioneered the use of FirstNet in the New England maritime arena, using the network to conduct and coordinate operations in Nantucket Sound between the mainland, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket. He was a key contributor to the FirstNet Authority’s recent study of broadband for aviation and maritime operations.

I would like to thank Chief Burke for his exceptional contributions to advancing the operationalization of FirstNet. His commitment to finding new ways to improve the safety of his department’s firefighters and the wellbeing of his community is admirable. Congratulations to Chief Burke on this well-deserved recognition and on receiving the FirstNet Authority’s inaugural Patriot Award.   


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