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Local leaders and FirstNet Authority staff stand in front of a Middleburg ambulance

New FirstNet Cell Sites Launch in Tioga County to Support Public Safety, Economic Development

What’s the news? First responders in Tioga County are getting another major boost in their wireless communications thanks to the FirstNet® network expansion currently underway by AT&T*. We’ve added new, purpose-built cell sites in areas across the county where state public safety officials identified the need for improved coverage, including:  

  • In Ansonia, extending coverage for the community of Ansonia in Shippen Township and along the heavily traveled U.S. Route 6 (Roosevelt Highway) corridor.  
  • In Asaph, extending coverage along the U.S. Route 6 corridor between Delmar and Shippen Townships.
  • In Middlebury Center, extending coverage along the state Route 287 corridor between Tioga and Wellsboro.

The new sites will give first responders on FirstNet – America’s public safety network – access to always-on, 24-hours-a-day priority and preemption across voice and data. Other FirstNet sites have already launched in counties across Pennsylvania, including Bedford, Cameron, Clearfield, Clinton, Forest, Huntingdon, Jefferson, Lycoming, Mckean, Potter, Somerset, Sullivan and Venango.

This new infrastructure was announced today during a special event at Middlebury Center Fire Department with remarks from Pennsylvania State Representative Clint Owlett, Tioga County Commissioner Erick Coolidge, Mansfield University Chief of Police Scott Henry, First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) Director of Legislative Affairs Tom Shull and AT&T Pennsylvania President David Kerr.

Why is this important? We consider FirstNet the most important wireless network in the country because it serves our first responders. And unlike commercial networks, FirstNet provides dedicated mobile broadband with always-on priority and preemption for first responders. To help ensure AT&T and the FirstNet Authority are putting coverage and capacity where first responders need it most, the FirstNet build is guided by direct feedback from state and public safety officials. This helps ensure Pennsylvania’s first responders connect to the critical information they need – every day and in every emergency.

What are the benefits to first responders? Building upon AT&T’s current and planned investments in Pennsylvania, we’re actively extending the reach of FirstNet to give agencies large and small the reliable, unthrottled connectivity and modern communications tools they need. These sites were constructed using Band 14 spectrum, as well as AT&T commercial spectrum. Band 14 is nationwide, high quality spectrum set aside by the government specifically for FirstNet. We look at Band 14 as public safety’s VIP lane. In an emergency, this band – or lane – can be cleared just for FirstNet subscribers. That means only those on the FirstNet network will be able to access Band 14 spectrum, further elevating their connected experience and emergency response.

How does this help area residents, businesses, and visitors? This new infrastructure will also help improve the overall coverage experience for AT&T wireless customers who live, work and visit Tioga County. Residents, visitors and businesses can take advantage of the AT&T spectrum bands, as well as Band 14 when capacity is available.

What is FirstNet? FirstNet is the only nationwide, high-speed broadband communications platform dedicated to and purpose-built for America’s first responders and the extended public safety community. Shaped by the vision of Congress and the first responder community following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, FirstNet stands above commercial offerings. It is built with AT&T in public-private partnership with the FirstNet Authority – an independent agency within the federal government. The FirstNet network provides public safety with truly dedicated coverage and capacity when they need it, including unique benefits like always-on priority and preemption, and high-quality Band 14 spectrum. These advanced capabilities enable FirstNet to help fire, EMS, EMA, law enforcement and 9-1-1 personnel save lives and protect their communities.

What people are saying:

Clint Owlett
Representative, PA House of Representatives, 68th District

“Bringing these cell sites and high-speed broadband infrastructure to Tioga County will expand the coverage needed to improve connectivity for our first responders, the community and surrounding areas. This will also provide our residents and businesses the ability to experience better network connectivity. I am pleased to see this expansion of services in Tioga County and will continue to prioritize and advocate for broadband and telecommunications investment in Tioga County and the entire Northern Tier.”

Erick Coolidge
Commissioner, Tioga County

“Rural broadband access is vital for public safety and for keeping our residents and visitors connected in our very connected world. I am glad that AT&T and the FirstNet Authority are working together to improve mobile broadband coverage in Tioga County.”

Scott Henry
Chief of Police, Mansfield University

Director, Mansfield University’s Public Safety Training Institute

“As a retired state trooper, I know the importance of reliable communications, especially voice and mobile broadband services. These new sites will benefit our first responders – and anyone who lives in, works in and visits our region.”

David Kerr
President, AT&T Pennsylvania

“Pennsylvania’s first responders deserve reliable coverage across the state to help them effectively and efficiently address incidents. And with FirstNet, that’s exactly what they’re getting. We have a responsibility unlike any other network provider, and couldn’t be more pleased to support the public safety mission by bringing the Commonwealth’s first responders – and residents – greater access to the connectivity they need from the Northern Tier and across Pennsylvania.”

Thomas Shull

Director of Legislative Affairs, FirstNet Authority

“FirstNet is a dedicated broadband platform for public safety, by public safety. We worked hand-in-hand with the Pennsylvania public safety community to understand their needs for the network. And this new site is a prime example of how that input and feedback is becoming reality. We look forward to supporting Pennsylvania’s first responders’ use of FirstNet to help them save lives and protect our communities.”

Where can I find more information? Go here to learn more about how AT&T is supporting Pennsylvania. For more about the value FirstNet is bringing to public safety, check out And go here for more FirstNet news.