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Deputy Commanding General of Army Materiel Command Lieutenant General Donnie Walker cuts a ribbon held by FirstNet Authority Board member Chief Richard Carrizzo, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, and AT&T Alabama President Wayne Hutchens in front of a FirstNet Emergency Mobile Communications truck.

New FirstNet Build at Redstone Arsenal to Support Public Safety

News Media Contact: April Ward,, (202) 853-5219 (571) 665-6187

First responders and security personnel at Redstone Arsenal are getting another major boost in their wireless communications thanks to the FirstNet network expansion currently underway by AT&T. New, purpose-built cell sites will enhance voice and mobile broadband coverage on the Army Base and give first responders on FirstNet – America’s public safety network – access to always-on, 24-hours-a-day priority and preemption across voice and data. The FirstNet build was planned with direct feedback from U.S. Army and public safety officials on the areas that need improved coverage.

This new infrastructure was announced today during a special event at the U.S. Army Materiel Command Headquarters’ Parade Field with remarks from Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, Deputy Commanding General of Army Material Command Lieutenant General Donnie Walker, Vice Chair of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) Board Chief Richard Carrizzo, and AT&T Alabama President Wayne Hutchens, among others.

As part of her continuing commitment to and prioritization of public safety Governor Ivey opted into FirstNet on behalf of the state of Alabama in 2017. The opt in decision is providing Alabama first responders increased capabilities to communicate as effectively and efficiently as possible. The FirstNet build at Redstone is another example of the government working hand-in-hand with the public safety community to guarantee first responders have the next-generation tools needed to serve our communities and U.S. Army installations, every day and in every emergency.

The FirstNet Authority released the following statement:

“FirstNet is a dedicated broadband platform for all first responders and we are proud to support the collaboration between FirstNet and the U.S. Army to help public safety personnel working on bases stay connected and protected,” said Richard Carrizzo, Vice Chair of the FirstNet Authority Board. “As we planned for this network, we worked hand-in-hand with our federal government partners, as well as the State of Alabama and its public safety community to understand the unique needs for the network across the state including at the Redstone Arsenal. These new sites are prime examples of how that input and feedback is becoming reality.”

Learn more about the announcement in the Governor Ivey’s press releaseAT&T’s blog, or the U.S. Army story. You can also watch the ribbon cutting provided by U.S. Army Materiel Command.  


About the First Responder Network Authority

The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) is an independent authority within the U.S. Department of Commerce. Chartered in 2012, its mission is to ensure the building, deployment, and operation of the nationwide, broadband network that equips first responders to save lives and protect U.S. communities. Learn more at and follow the FirstNet Authority (@FirstNetGov) on Facebook and Twitter for updates.