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Enhancing federal public safety operations with FirstNet

By Charlotte Whitacre, Director of Government Engagement, First Responder Network Authority

When most people think of public safety, they think of local, state, or tribal first responders. But did you know there is an entire network of federal agencies that have a public safety mission? At the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority), we support all FirstNet users, including federal agencies, working to help them better communicate and operate.

The Department of Defense (DOD) is the nation’s largest federal agency, and its mission is rooted in public safety. Federal responders within DOD can be stationed at domestic bases where they routinely operate as primary first responders and assist local public safety agencies. With FirstNet, these federal users can communicate with ease as they move on and off base.

FirstNet connects Defense agencies with local public safety

Julien Crolet, deputy fire chief at Fort Belvoir, knows firsthand the difference that FirstNet makes.

Prior to FirstNet, the Fire and Emergency Services division at Fort Belvoir experienced communication challenges due to low service reliability in the area. “Now, that's all gone away and we're able to communicate daily with no issues, utilizing several methods that are all interoperable by use of FirstNet,” says Crolet.

Fort Belvoir is a U.S. Army installation in Fairfax County, Virginia. Although located on a DOD base, the Fire and Emergency Services division responds to a wide variety of incidents in the area, such as fires, medical emergencies, and hazardous material emergencies. This requires daily interaction with Fairfax County public safety agencies, so interoperability is essential to the division. Being able to seamlessly communicate with local first responders means faster, more efficient response.

FirstNet brings interoperability, reliability to DOD agencies

Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Police Chief William Johnson says adoption of FirstNet has ensured reliable, secure, and redundant communication.

The base, which is made up of both military and civilian personnel working across the National Capital Region, encompasses Fort Myer, Henderson Hall, and Fort McNair. It spans several campuses located in both Arlington, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., and it provides services to Arlington National Cemetery. For responders at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, communication and interoperability are vital every day and during events in the region that can draw large crowds.

“Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall adopted FirstNet because being one of 52 federal law enforcement agencies in the National Capital Region, we wanted to be able to communicate with all of our local, state, and federal partners in case of emergency,” said Johnson.

Government Engagement team supports federal FirstNet users

The FirstNet Authority’s Government Engagement team is a multi-disciplinary group of experts who collaborate with and support the unique needs of federal FirstNet users. Our team works closely with federal agencies to educate them about the capabilities FirstNet offers and to ensure their unique communications needs are met by the network.

Johnson explained that the partnership with the FirstNet Authority has aided situational awareness and helped educate his team on the emerging technologies that are available to support them. For example, our team has helped ensure their communication needs are met during special events with FirstNet deployable assets and other coverage-enhancing tools.

We also support federal users at every stage of network integration. Our team helps federal agencies manage installation, infrastructure, and acquisition challenges while ensuring they adhere to federal security regulations that are vital to their mission-critical work.

“The FirstNet Authority representative will come and talk to us at any time that's needed,” said Crolet. “They're quick, they're responsive, and it's been an absolute pleasure working with them.”

For more information on how FirstNet Authority collaborates with federal agencies with a public safety, emergency management, or homeland security mission, visit To contact a member of the Government Engagement team, email me at      


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