Maryland first responders serve a variety of geographies and industries — from crabbing, boating, and tourism on the Eastern Shore to the trade that flows through the port of Baltimore to the high-tech corridors around Interstate 270 and Hunt Valley and through the swaths of farmland to the west of the state. Because Maryland borders the District of Columbia, its first responders are often called on to protect and serve not only in their own state, but also throughout the National Capital region.
The First Responder Network Authority team recognizes the unique communications challenges that Maryland first responders face. We have been working closely with Maryland public safety officials since 2014, capturing their feedback and working with AT&T, our network partner, to translate it into the design of the FirstNet network. During the development of state deployment plans, our team worked hand-in-hand with Maryland leaders to ensure the plan was customized to address their needs, including:
- Expanding coverage across the state, particularly in western Maryland and on the Eastern Shore
- Focusing on the state’s critical infrastructure in preparation for severe weather events
- Making solutions available to support the state’s large base of volunteer emergency responders
Following this close collaboration, Maryland chose to adopt the plan and “opt in” to FirstNet. Today, we continue to meet regularly with state and local officials to discuss their public safety broadband needs. Engagements like these are crucial to the ongoing success of the network and the advancement of public safety communications across the state and the nation.
Connect with our team of Public Safety Advisors to learn about FirstNet in your community.
Maryland's FirstNet Authority Public Safety Advisor

FirstNet in Action in Maryland
- After an underground fire cut power and disabled radio communications in downtown Baltimore, Maryland, the Baltimore City Sheriff’s Office relied on FirstNet devices to maintain contact and coordinate emergency response. The experience marked the first deployment of FirstNet and initiated the agency’s transition to using broadband for daily operations. FirstNet has since helped the Baltimore City Sheriff’s Office improve field reporting, stay connected during long prisoner transports, and enhance officer safety.
- In Charles County, Maryland, the school district has adopted FirstNet’s secure and dependable network to ensure communication during emergency and day-to-day situations. The school district has also integrated the use of drones into their school security plans, enhancing situational awareness for responders so they can more efficiently respond to emergencies.
- One thing the 9-1-1 community learned from the pandemic was the need to plan for alternate ways to work. Rather than be tied to workstations at fixed locations, 9-1-1 telecommunicators need flexibility to remotely take, dispatch, and supervise calls. 9-1-1 leaders looked to technology for a solution. Through FirstNet, the nationwide public-safety broadband network, first responders had access to a secure, reliable connection outside of the ECC.
- Throughout the pandemic, FirstNet has been delivering our nation’s frontline public safety personnel a secure, dedicated wireless broadband service to keep mass vaccination centers connected and coordinated. When the New Hampshire’s Security and Emergency Management set up a mass vaccination clinic in Loudon last spring, the agency implemented FirstNet service for its communication needs. The FirstNet network was equally critical to healthcare providers and emergency managers setting up sites to administer COVID-19 testing and vaccinations in Michigan and Maryland.