Indiana is home to rural farmlands, urban areas, waterways, and forests that complicate communications for the state’s first responders. First responders in the Hoosier State are already benefitting from FirstNet’s enhanced coverage and capacity, which will support communications during major events like the Indianapolis 500 race and Indianapolis Colts football games.
The First Responder Network Authority team recognizes the unique communications challenges that Indiana first responders face. We have been working closely with Indiana public safety officials since 2014, capturing their feedback and translating it into the design of the FirstNet network. During the development of state deployment plans, our team worked hand-in-hand with Indiana leaders to ensure the plan was customized to address their needs, including:
- Expanding rural coverage beyond what is currently available
- Offering services at compelling prices
Following this close collaboration, Indiana chose to adopt the plan and “opt in” to FirstNet. Today, Indiana is all in for FirstNet as the first state to integrate its land mobile radio system with the FirstNet network to gain the synergies of both. We continue to meet regularly with state and local officials to discuss their public safety broadband needs. Engagements like these are crucial to the ongoing success of the network and the advancement of public safety communications across the state and the nation.
Connect with our team of Public Safety Advisors to learn about FirstNet in your community.
Indiana's FirstNet Authority Public Safety Advisor

FirstNet in Action in Indiana
- At the beginning of the pandemic, first responders used at least twice as much data as general consumers. Public safety agencies need additional capacity or mobile broadband coverage in specific areas to meet their mission. Thanks to FirstNet, first responders have access to a dedicated fleet of deployable assets designed specifically to provide public safety extra coverage and capacity when and where they need it most.
- Indiana’s Integrated Public Safety Commission worked to integrate the state’s land mobile radio system with FirstNet to enhance coverage, achieve significant cost savings, and expand capabilities for the state's first responders.
- Every summer, thousands of people travel to western Indiana for the Terre Haute airshow—a two-day event that features the Navy’s famous Blue Angels and other aircraft. At the 2018 event, planning officials decided to deploy FirstNet to provide a robust interoperable broadband connection for all involved.